Sven Svensen, Noo Nootroogeena Spokesperson

It was May 17th. All of Oslo was abuzz with festivities. Sven and Olgo joined the throngs of Norwegians marching through the streets in celebration of Norwegian independence.

Few nations celebrate their national day like Norway. May 17, 1814, marks the nation’s independence from 400 years of union with Denmark.

Each year on this day Norwegians don their national costumes and dance in the streets.

To the sounds of brass bands, the people parade through the streets of Oslo to the Royal Palace where the Royal Family awaits them on the balcony.

Today, however, more than Norwegian independence was being celebrated at the Royal Palace –

Sven Svensen, Head Janitor to the King and Queen of Norway (to the right in the picture to the left), was selected as spokesperson for Nootroogeena skin care products.

The King and Queen were so proud of Sven that they asked him to give a speech.

Sven took the podium on the balcony and stated: “Yah, shoor, vhen you svish a tooilet broosh all day, yoor hands get chapped and soor. Nootroogena makes dem feel yoost like a baby’s boott.”

The crowd roared.



